Updated: 28/10/1991
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Bag<Entity> - predefined class Bag  


#include "<SOS>/include/agg_sos.h"

class Bag<Entity> (sos_Bool list_cursor = TRUE,
                  sos_Bool based_on_equal = FALSE)
   : Collection<Entity> (based_on_equal)
   sos_Int      insert      (Entity);
   sos_Int      remove      (Entity);
   void         eliminate   (Entity);
   sos_Int      occurrences (Entity);
   void         max_union  (Bag<Entity>);
   void         operator+= (Bag<Entity>);
   void         operator-= (Bag<Entity>);
   void         operator*= (Bag<Entity>);
   sos_Bool     operator<  (Bag<Entity>);
   sos_Bool     operator<= (Bag<Entity>);
   sos_Bool     operator>  (Bag<Entity>);
   sos_Bool     operator>= (Bag<Entity>);

   // ** sos_Cursor operations **
   sos_Int      entity_occurs (sos_Cursor);
   sos_Bool     to_diff_succ  (sos_Cursor, sos_Int = 1);
   sos_Bool     to_diff_pred  (sos_Cursor, sos_Int = 1);


The class Bag<Entity> provides means for manipulating generic multisets. The type of the elements of a Bag is stated when the Bag type is instantiated (Methods that overwrite inherited methods are only described in the superclass, where they are inherited from - provided that they are semantically equivalent). In the following self will denote the state of the Bag before the respective operation is applied, while self' denotes the state of the Bag after the execution of the method.

Bag::create (ct, list_cursor, based_on_equal)
The create parameter based_on_equal determines if tests for membership in the Bag should be based on the equality or identity of the respective entities, as in superclass Collection. The additional parameter list_cursor decides, whether the Bag may dynamically be modified while a cursor iterates over the structure. If list_cursor == FALSE, and modifying operations are performed on a Bag during a scan with a sos_Cursor, the behavior of sos_Cursor operations after the modification is undefined. On the other hand, a bag that is created with list_cursor == TRUE will require a bit more of persistent memory.
insert (e)
inserts entity e (perhaps again). The new number of occurences of e is returned.

POSTCONDITION: self'.occurences (e) == self.occurences (e) + 1

remove (e)
removes one occurence of entity e. The former number of occurences of e is returned.

POSTCONDITION: self'.occurences (e) == MAX (self.occurences (e) - 1, 0)

eliminate (e)
removes all occurences of the given entity e from the Bag.
occurences (e)
returns the number of occurences of the given entity e in the Bag.
max_union (b)
performs a union with Bag b.

POSTCONDITION: self'.occurences (e) == MAX (self.occurences (e), b.occurences (e))

operator+= (b)
adds Bag b to this Bag.

POSTCONDITION: self'.occurences (e) == self.occurences (e) + b.occurences (e)

operator-= (b)
subtracts Bag b from self.

POSTCONDITION: self'.occurences (e) == MAX (self.occurences (e) - b.occurences (e), 0)

operator*= (b)
intersects Bag b with self.

POSTCONDITION: self'.occurences (e) == MIN (self.occurences (e) - b.occurences (e), 0)

operator< (b)
returns TRUE if self is a subset of Bag b, FALSE otherwise, i.e:

 TRUE if self.operator<=(b) AND NOT self.equal (b)
operator<= (b)
returns TRUE if self is a subset of Bag b or if self is equal to Bag b, FALSE otherwise, i.e:

 TRUE if self.occurences (e) <= b.occurences (e)
operator> (b)
returns TRUE if self is a superset of Bag b, FALSE otherwise, i.e:

 TRUE if self.operator>= (b) AND NOT self.equal (b)
operator>= (b)
returns TRUE if self is a superset of Bag b or if self is equal to Bag b, FALSE otherwise, i.e:

 TRUE if self.occurences (e) >= b.occurences (e)
equal (b)
returns TRUE if self.occurences (e) == b.occurences (e)

The following methods require an open sos_Cursor(3) as input parameter:

entity_occurs (c)
returns self.occurences (self.get (c)).

PRECONDITION: is_valid (c)

to_diff_succ (c, i)
to_diff_succ (c, i) marks all occurences of self.get (c) as already seen and positions the specified sos_Cursor to the next different element of the Bag. If i is specified, all occurences of the next different i elements are jumped, as if the function was applied i-times. The function returns TRUE if the sos_Cursor is still valid after the operation, i.e. if there is an Entity at this sos_Cursor position. It returns FALSE otherwise.

PRECONDITION: is_valid (c) AND (i >= 0)

to_diff_pred (c, i)
to_diff_pred (c, i) marks all occurences of self.get (c) as already seen and positions the specified sos_Cursor to the preceding different element of the Bag. If i is specified, all occurences of the next different i elements are jumped, as if the function was applied i-times. The function returns TRUE if the sos_Cursor is still valid after the operation, i.e. if there is an Entity at this sos_Cursor position. It returns FALSE otherwise.

PRECONDITION: is_valid (c) AND (i >= 0)



SOS schema file

complete schema interface

restricted schema interface

definition of iterators (automatically included by agg_use.h)

Bag implementation file

SOS library


sos_Object(3), sos_Aggregate(3), Collection(3), sos_Cursor(3)  


Bernhard Schiefer, Dietmar Theobald




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